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Importance of being Self- Reliant /Sufficient

We all hear this term around, but what does it really mean? Is there one definition that fits according to everyone?Well, if you ask me, no. There is not just one definition of self-sufficiency that fits right..But what could self-sufficiency mean for you. Right where you are? It could mean a lot of different things. Which is what I’m wanting to explore and explain.              Well this might  sound overly simplified . . . but think about it a while. I think you’ll see that true “independence” is not an easy state to achieve, which is why many people don’t even try to reach this state: A truly “independent person” is the one who - on the most basic level - DOES NOT NEED THE ASSISTANCE OR ADVICE OF OTHERS TO THINK AND/OR ACT IN THEIR BEST INTEREST.    Read that last sentence very carefully and take it at it's face value. Keep in mind that “best interest” is a pretty fluid concept, and is different for everyone, and the ability to truly think and act in someone’s own best int

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