Self Discipline

Where would the human race be if discipline didn’t exist?
I believe we would still be in caves trying to figure out if leaving was ever a good idea. Motivation gets us started but discipline keeps us going. When you lack this key skill, other aspects of your life will struggle. The secret to anyone’s success is usually strong effort, discipline, and determination.

Whether it’s in your health, career, business, relationships, or finances, to experience happiness in all of them, you must adopt certain habits and routines that will sustain your success.
It’s not the product that makes the company successful, it’s all the hard work they had to put in behind the scenes that really matters. If Uber and Amazon failed to stay disciplined towards reaching their vision, they wouldn't be here today. They pushed and pushed until their dreams became a reality.
Ask yourself:
What areas of my life do I want to see most improvement?
What are some habits that will help me grow in this area of my life?
Take a moment to think about the parts of your life you wish you had more success in. You can achieve success in anything by making a commitment and having the discipline to stick with the habits that will help hit your target.
It may not seem like anything is happening at first, but it’s all adding up. You didn’t end up in your current situation overnight. It took years of keeping the same routine and not doing anything different to get there. Be patient.


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