My Decision Making Process

It's a tricky thing, decision making. And everyone has their own ways. I have my own

Sometimes it's simple right or wrong decisions, which are simple and I am very comfortable with the ones but sometimes it's complicated. And the complicated ones don't let you sleep. For them There are basically two steps. which are
  1. I start by making an elaborate list of all the important plus and minuses. Write it down.Then  Determine the importance of each item, and compute the combination with the highest score.
  2.  Throw away the paper  and  then make a  decision based on your intuition.

Many people make the mistake of jumping right to step 2 without doing step 1. But if you do that, your gut will be unprepared. It will not know all of the issues, and your intuition will be unreliable.
Many people make the mistake of doing step 1 and only step 1. It seems logical, maybe even scientific. The problem with that step is that you can’t really articulate what is important to you and what isn’t. Step 1 depends too much on your intellect, on what you think you should want.
In the end, you must trust your instinct. But only after you have informed yourself of all the facts and all the analyses. You don’t really have to write down the positive and negetive points, but you’ve got to examine all the facts and think of all the pluses and minuses. Then let your instinct decide.


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