Self Awareness

Self awareness is to deepen the understanding of the person you are today and the person you’ll be in the next ten years is determined by how high your awareness is of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors. What you believe in and think about most often is what you’ll experience in life.

If you believe you’re going to be stuck in the same job forever, then your thoughts will be aligned with that belief. You’ll have thoughts like I’m never going to get out of here and this is the best I can do. When you believe in something for a long time it becomes your mindset and the way of life. Certain beliefs can hold you back.

If you want to know the kind of belief systems you have about yourself and the world, every time you have a reason for NOT doing something ask yourself:

Is this an excuse or am I just procrastinating?

Can I look at this from a different perspective?

Will I allow past mistakes, beliefs, and negative thoughts hold me back from building a greater future?

Self awareness helps us distinguish between both positive and negative patterns. These include patterns in our thinking, emotions, behaviors and belief systems. When these four key areas are all aligned with intention and a definitive plan of action to succeed, you will change the course of your life.

We have been given the gift of the choice. We always have the choice to decide whether we want to focus on what’s good in our life or stay focused on the bad. When we focus on the bad, the brain looks for more of what’s bad. Focus on the good and your brain finds more of the good.

Changing your habitual thinking patterns and behaviors is not going to be easy but when the pain of staying the same is greater than the excuses you make for yourself, you’ll be unstoppable.

When you concentrate on the parts of your life that aren’t going good and you’re constantly thinking about how bad or unfair life is, then you’ll stop yourself from growing every time. The secret to change is thinking and believing things will get better even when it doesn’t seem like it.

As your thinking patterns change, your beliefs change. This creates a healthy foundation for your emotional well-being because as your thinking patterns evolve, so do your emotions. Positive thoughts and beliefs help foster positive emotions. Positive emotions give us the energy to act differently and negative feelings drain us and we stay the same.


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